Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Need Sheet Music?

Northwest University is known for its excellent choirs and music program, so Hurst Library has and is continuing to acquire musical scores that you can check out.

We have everything from choral and vocal music, to operas and symphonies. The recent update to our website has made it easier than ever to locate these materials.

Here is how:

1) Log on to our website.
2) In the box near the bottom of the page, select "Browse by Format." There you will find a link
to all of our music, called "Print Music."

That is all it takes to find great items like...

Music in the Romantic Period

Mozart's Piano Concertos

If you still have any questions, please contact one of our helpful librarians - Christa, the Cataloging Supervisor for example, is a musician and would love to talk with you more about the collection.

Have an old score? Donate it! We accept donations and are very interested in expanding our Music collection!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Your Library Director is Famous

Yesterday the library staff received quite a shock when the newest volume of The Christian Librarian arrived in the mail...

That gentleman, circled in red in the center, is your Library Director, Charles Diede.

Every year we try to attend as many conferences, lectures, and seminars we can to stay on top of the changing world of library science. This way we can continue to bring you the most up-to-date information.

That is our promise to you.

Sometimes along the way we get famous, but most of the time we are just here to help!

Please stop by and congratulate Charles, and maybe ask us a few questions about your homework.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

New Website, part 3: Advanced Search

Welcome to the third installment of Website Navigation Help!

Previously we discussed how to use the Search Bar and explored the tools of our homepage.

Today, we are going to discuss the Advanced search options...

When to use Advanced Search?

Sometimes doing a keyword search does not pull up the records that you need to complete your work - either there are too many results, or the results don't have anything to do with what you want.

Let us begin by selecting the Advanced Search from the navigation bar at the top of our website.

This will take you to our entire advanced search screen.

As you will see, there are three different sections to this page - all three will be used for different reasons.

1) Finding Items Containing... This is where you go to limit or expand your search.

Between every word you type there is an imagined "and," "or," or "not" (depending on whether you are searching for all the words or none of the words). When you need to find a resource with more than one general topic, this is the place to go.

2) Exact Search...

If you want the computer to search only for the exact author, title, genera, etc, use the next set of search bars as demonstrated below.But be careful: even the slightest spelling mistake or misremembered pronoun will render the search null.

3) Limiting

Off to the right of the page is one of the most handy tools in your library arsenal!

You can choose which format you want your search results to be in - need a video? a journal? some music?
Or, do you want to search our Children's, Young Adult, or Reference sections only?

Take the time to explore all of these tools to limit your searching.
It is an easy, quick way to search like a librarian!