In this series, brand new to Hurst Library, you have the opportunity to read Greg's diary and see the world from his perspective. After all, it is terribly difficult to be a kid!
But also the middle two...
And the last!
This way you don't have to wait until the new ones come out to get your Wimpy Kid fix.Note to parents: This is the book I would hand to readers who were just advancing from Reading Level 4 or 5 (mid-elementary school), but were too intimidated by a lot of text. Wimpy kid integrates a fair amount of text with funny cartoons. This is a great bridge into larger, thicker books - it has the heft of a larger chapter book with the word count of a Learn-to-Read. After this, they can move right onto Percy Jackson!
Enjoy the adventure!
do you think more people (when reviewing their childhood): a) saw themselves as having been bullied; or b) saw themselves as not having been bullied?